
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ItemTraceableUnit
Physical Name : AS_ITM_TRCBL_UN

An instance of an item and associated serialized item or item lot. Is used for tracking items, no matter what their granularity (SKU-level, serialized item level, or lot level) throughout the retail process, from supply to sale and return. Note that an instance of an ItemUnit can only be one of the types ("regular" item, serialized item or item lot. The purpose of this entity is to provide a single reference to establish traceability between Item instances, SerializeUnit instances and ItemLot instances. As designed, this entity complements the existing data model's ability to handle serialized items (e.g. big ticket items, pharmacy items and other merchandise that requires discrete identification of retail sale units). The mechanism for traceability consists of a set of foreign key relationships from ItemTracableUnit to Item, SerializedUnit and ItemLot. The relationship to Item is mandatory. The relationships to ItemLot and SerializedUnit are optional which provides the flexibility to establish traceability of an item to a lot (e.g. a manufactuer's lot) or to a discretely identifiable unit. This entity type, because it enables traceability in addition to serialized identity of items requires implentors to exercise care in correctly correlating ItemID and ItemUnitID - and that they distinguish between item unit identity for purposes of traceability versus just identification. ItemTracableUnit was added to the ARTS Data Model to support greater traceability of serialized and lot items throughout the retail item lifecycle functions. Previous versions of the model supported tracking of serialized items mostly at retail transaction time and did not support tracking serialized items or lots from shippint, receiving, and stocking to the point of sale. However, the previous relationships for Item level (non-serialized, non-lot items) have all been retained in order to minimize the impact of change for current users of the model. This duplicate set of relationships comes with a trade-off, though, in that the duplicate relationships (foreign keys) must be properly populated. Most likely this would be done via automation to enfroce proper data integrity. Ideally, an implemenation would choose only one set of relationships and implement only those to maintain data.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) Item(AS_ITM)
ItemTraceableUnitID (PK) A universally unique identifier used to identify an instance of a distinguisable instance of a retail item. The item traceable unit ID is similar to a serial number in that it allows each selling unit to be explicitly identified and distinguished from other sellling units of the same Item. ID_ITM_UN_TRC IdentityUUID CHAR(32)
ItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) ItemLot(AS_ITM_LOT)
ItemLotID (FK) An identifier for a LOT of specific ITEMs. ID_ITM_LOT Identity integer ItemLot(AS_ITM_LOT)
SerialNumber A unique identifying value assigned to each instance of this item by the manufacturer. Serial numbers typically are used for high-value items, large items and items that need to be tracked as distinct identifiable units. In this entity type, serial number is used primarily to satisfy perishable item tracking to satsify regulatory requirements and recall processing. ID_NMB_SRZ IdentityAlphaNumeric VARCHAR(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ItemLot describes ItemTraceableUnit
Item describes ItemTraceableUnit
ItemTraceableUnit is described by ItemLabelContent
ItemTraceableUnit comprises ItemTraceableUnitComponent
ItemTraceableUnit describes traceability of SerializedUnit
ItemTraceableUnit defines traceability of ICDMerchandiseItemUnit
ItemTraceableUnit is part of ItemTraceableUnitComponent
ItemTraceableUnit is transformed into ReturnLineItem
ItemTraceableUnit appears on SaleReturnLineItem
ItemTraceableUnit is described by ItemUnitDateType
ItemTraceableUnit plays role of ZPromotionalOfferRewardDiscount
ItemTraceableUnit has and origin of ItemCountryOrigin
ItemTraceableUnit is contained on RecallEventItem

Logical Views containing ItemTraceableUnit

Logical View
Logical 02110 - Item Inventory - Location View
Logical 02310 - Retail Transaction - Item Sale View
Logical 02311 - Retail Transaction Item KIT Sale View
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View